• Description
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More frequent occurrence of torrential rain increases the importance of right outflow regulation of rainwater and other watercourses. Lack of appropriate solutions increases the risk of flood, permeation of water sewage system, backflows, sewage receiver or rainwater contamination etc. In order to prevent such events from happening Ecol-Unicon offers Mosbaek flow regulators. Their main advantages are:

  • lack of electric supply
  • lack of movable components and physical diameter block (no mechanical problems)
  • easy flow of small solid contamination
  • possibility of using cut-off valve
  • possibility of having the required flow at two points, which provides:
    • fast discharge from reservoirs
    • reduction of required reservoirs capacity by 20-30%
    • cooperation with by-pass pipeline.



Ecol-Unicon Vortex Flow Regulator



The effect of flow throttling in the regulators is achieved by increasing flow resistance. It is done by forced vortex flow or crossing two sewage streams. Throttling insensitivity depends on the pressure of the water entering the device. Initially, when the inflow is low, throttling effect does not occur and the water flows easily. As the inflow increases, free flow is independently throttled.


Vortex Flow Regulators and Vertical Regulators

In vortex and vertical flow regulators the increasing pressure of water gauge traps the air in the upper part of vortex chamber. The air trapped inside creates additional resistance and swirl and potential energy of the water is changed into vortex energy. Thus, despite lack of orifice, throttling effect appears proportional to section of reducing cone a few times smaller than the section of the regulator.

In normal conditions weir coefficient (μ) for an orifice of a certain hole size is constant. However, for regulators, this parameter changes with the change of water inflow pressure from its nominal value μ’ to μ’’. It happens so despite fixed section of the regulator.

The regulator starts its work at μ = μ’. In the initial phase of vortex flow μ coefficient changes up to its characteristic value μ’’. Then the flow occurs according to rising characteristic – throttling. As pressure drops, the flow is reduced according to falling characteristics. When the air trapped in the regulator makes its way out, the flow increases. There is also a quick comeback to nominal characteristics (μ = μ’). At this moment self-cleaning of the regulator occurs. This process happens in every work cycle, which ensures the regulator’s failure-free work. Maximum flow (Qmax) occurs twice and medium flow (Qmed) is 80–90% of maximum flow.

Vortex flow ensures maximum flow at two work points which enables constructing a by-pass system for chosen devices (e.g. coalescence separators) and optimising reservoir capacity.


Open Channel Flow Regulators

An open channel flow regulator starts its work at low water level. When pressure volume (H) is at gate height throttling of flow does not occur (μ’ = 0.9). When water level at the outflow rises above the edge of the channel overflow starts. Two streams cross which increases flow resistance and the characteristics of the flow (μ” = 0.6).

An open channel flow regulator should be chosen in a way that when maximal backwater occurs the device works with its maximum flow. Flow characteristics can be optimised (around ±25%) by adjusting the gate in throttling box.



There are a few construction types of regulators depending on required performance characteristics and conditions for installation at the place where they will operate.


Depending on the installation of a regulator in relation to sewage there are the following installation methods.

  • dry-installed – with a closed pipeline



Dry-installed vortex flow regulator

  • semi-dry installed – at the inflow into the chamber


Rys. 6. Regulator stożkowy instalowany na półsucho

Semi-dry installed vortex flow regulator


Rys. 7. Regulator poziomy instalowany na półsucho

Semi-dry installed horizontal flow regulator


  • wet-installed – at the outflow of a chamber or a reservoir


Rys. 8. Regulator stożkowy instalowany na mokro

Wet-installed vortex flow regulator

Rys. 9. Regulator korytkowy instalowany na mokro

Wet-installed open channel flow regulator


Rys. 10. Regulator pionowy instalowany na mokro

Wet-installed vertical flow regulator


Flow regulators offered by Ecol-Unicon are reliable and maintenance free devices. Appropriate sizes of free flow, high quality of materials used (stainless steel and acid-proof steel AISI 316) and lack of movable components guarantee long and failure-free performance.

These regulators are used in storm water drainage, combined sewer systems and small watercourses. They are chosen individually for each watershed. By using retention capacity of water sewage system, they prevent flooding of urban areas and protect pre-treatment installations (i.e. communal water treatment plants) from surcharge.

These regulators effectively replace the complex system of valves and gate valves which are hand-operated or automated. They cooperate with reservoirs providing evening of flush and limiting maximum flows thus reducing hydraulic impact. Using vortex flow regulators enables joining new watersheds to existing sewage systems eliminating the risk of their surcharge.