Wojciech Falkowski

President of the Management Board

A prominent figure in the water and sewage industry, with over 25 years of experience leading the company. His education at Gdańsk University of Technology and passion for environmental protection led to the founding of a company that is now a market leader, employing over 300 people and present in many international markets. Wojciech Falkowski, known for his social engagement and love for nature, is also the founder of the Business for Climate Foundation, promoting sustainable development and combating the climate crisis.

Joanna Sprengel

Board Member, Financial Director

She brings a wealth of experience gained in auditing, energy, and financial management to the company. Her education at the University of Gdańsk, as well as career at PwC and Energa SA have resulted in a deep understanding of finance and project management. Joining Ecol-Unicon in 2020 and taking on a board role in 2023 emphasise her key role in navigating the company through market challenges, ensuring stability and growth.

Grzegorz Grabowski

Board Member, Operational Director

An engineer from Gdańsk University of Technology, who has followed an impressive career path from process engineering to key managerial positions. His experience in international corporations and strong leadership skills contribute to the continuous improvement of operational processes at Ecol-Unicon. Grabowski, with a passion for continual improvement and openness to change, has had an increasingly significant impact on the company’s development and innovation since joining the board in 2023.